Gut Health Program
A Scientific Breakthrough to Reverse Aging, Neutralize Stress & Barricade Disease. Naturally.
Are you ready to make your metabolic health your No.1 priority? More and more research is supporting the integral role of digestion, and the environment of our gut, to setting the tone for our overall health. Our Gut Health Program effectively supports individuals challenged with aliments such as, but not limited to:
Autoimmune issues
Hormonal imbalances
Thyroid problems
Digestive issues
Low energy/Chronic fatigue
Blood sugar challenges
Stubborn belly fat
Brain fog
Elevated cholesterol
Chronic Allergies
Arthritis/Joint Pain
Mood Imbalances
Skin Conditions/Rashes
What is the Gut Health Program?
Our Gut Health Program is a clinic-supervised, at-home functional medicine program. It is designed to heal the digestive tract, neutralize stress, balance hormones, and barricade disease- naturally.
Too often, when individuals are faced with digestive imbalances, they or their healthcare provider incorrectly think the solution lies in taking digestive aids or probiotics. This in analogous to coming home to find your house on fire, and calling a carpenter as your first line of defense. Before you can do anything else, you must first extinguish the fire, and clean up the damage. Only then, can you rebuild. The Gut Health Program’s 3 Phases were designed with exactly these principles in mind.
Better Health…in 3 Phases
Phase 1- Heal & Seal
Combining a specific elimination diet and functional medicine supplementation, this phase seeks to extinguish digestive tract inflammation, heal the lining of the gut, and eliminate overgrowth of candida and parasites.
Depending on an individual’s needs, this phase will last between 30 and 90 days.
Phase 2- DeTox & De-Stress
In this phase we begin to reintroduce specific foods to the diet, as we use supplement formulations to bind up toxic agents in the gut, while also balancing stress through regulation of the hormones cortisol and insulin.
This phase lasts 2 weeks.
Phase 3- Restore & replenish
In the final phase, digestion is optimized through balancing gut acidity and enzymatic function, and healthy gut flora are bolstered through prebiotic and probiotic supplementation.
This phase lasts 30 days.
Beyond just a nutrition and supplementation protocol, the Gut Health Program provides individuals the tools and education to empower their own health overhaul, and the clinic support and supervision to make it successful.
Sick & Tired of feeling sick & tired?
Fill out the form below and we will contact you with more details on the Gut Health Program.