New Patient Information


At Touch Chiropractic we treat you like family. You’ll be greeted with a smile and a warm welcome when you walk through the door. Our office is comfortable and inviting, with a spa-like atmosphere.

If you haven’t completed your new patient forms online, please arrive 15 minutes early to complete them. Please bring your ID and insurance card.

Image of Touch Chiropractic front office in Sacramento, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

Which doctor should I schedule with, Dr. Dina, or Dr. Jeff?

Dr. Dina is our practice’s resident “healer”. She specializes in the gentlest forms of chiropractic, utilizing a blend of light-touch chiropractic, soft tissue work, and Activator instrument adjusting. She loves to work with families, pregnant moms, and little ones. Her focus is on releasing tension and creating ease in the spine to allow the body to heal and function at its best.

Dr. Jeff proudly refers to himself as a “body mechanic”. If you’ve got a health problem that needs fixing, he is your guy. His approach starts with precise diagnostics and an in-depth grasp of physiology to get to the heart of the issue. He then blends in gentle forms of traditional chiropractic, and expertise in extremity adjusting, to provide functional solutions to some of the most stubborn health challenges.

Whether you choose Dr. Dina or Dr. Jeff, know that you will be in great hands – literally!

Is Chiropractic treatment painful?

Generally, no. Especially when done gently, in a way that listens to the patient, and honors the body. That’s not to say there won’t be some next-day discomfort your first few visits. Even with gentle work, a day or so of soreness is not uncommon, as the body begins to adapt to the changes being made- not unlike what you would expect with a new exercise program.


Is Chiropractic Safe?

YES! Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of healthcare that exists. Statistically, a chiropractic adjustment is several hundred times safer than taking anti-inflammatory medication, and more effective. With volumes of research supporting both the efficacy and safety of chiropractic, more and more health organizations are recommending chiropractic as the first-line therapy for a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions.


If I start going to a chiropractor, do I have to keep going?

This is a bit of a tricky question to answer. Much of what a chiropractor works to solve are the stresses and injuries put on the body by our daily activities… sleeping position, sitting too much, looking down at our phones, etc. So, unless those stressors are completely erased, periodic chiropractic care may be needed to address their impact. Realize our goal is not to make you solely reliant on us, though. Our doctors will also be providing you with at-home strategies and lifestyle modifications to reduce the impact of the daily challenges on your health.

We are all about patient empowerment. Your health is your own. You have both the power, and responsibility, to make choices as to how you want to care for it. We’ll help you do that, both in and out of our office. Whether you want to make chiropractic a regular lifestyle, or just want to pop in when you have a flare-up, either way, you are always welcome at Touch Chiropractic.

Is Chiropractic covered by insurance?

Yes, some chiropractic care may be covered by your insurance. Drs. Jeff and Dina both participate with Medicare, and are affiliated with several other health insurance plans. Feel free to contact our office, to find out more about your coverage.

For those who may not be covered, we have a variety of affordable treatment plan options to help make chiropractic accessible to everyone. Again, give us a call, or ask at the front desk, about these options.

  • I have been to many chiropractors, but none like Dr. Dina. She is so personable and caring and her touch is gentle and intuitive. After 3 adjustments, I began feeling better all around – less pain, improved digestion, and increased energy. Thank you Dr. Dina!

    Sam P.

  • Jeff Keon is such a wonderful and gentle chiropractor. I am very happy to be under his care. He is a great listener and gives informed advice. Thank you Touch Chiropractic.

    Myaaa H.

  • Thank you, Dr. Dina Keon, for your expertise, caring spirit, and professionalism! I have been a client for more than 2 years. Dr. Dina has helped me through rib pain, back pain, and headaches. I always leave an appointment with Dr. Dina feeling better – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Kelly F.

  • Dr. Jeff treats our whole family. I love that he takes care of knees and ankles along with backs and necks. His technique is gentle. He adjusts slowly without aggressive movements. I have had many chiropractors and Jeff is hands down the best I've ever had.
